Category Archives: Pedestrian Accidents

Woman Killed in Morris County Pedestrian Accident
Pedestrians have a lot of responsibility. They need to make sure they cross roads safely, and this means crossing at crosswalks. Crossing mid-block is technically considered jaywalking, which is not only illegal but also dangerous. Sadly, a woman was killed in a pedestrian accident in Dover while crossing a street outside of a crosswalk…. Read More »

Pedestrian Killed in Hit and Run Accident in Lyndhurst
Pedestrians have the right of way in many situations, but sometimes vehicles don’t understand this. Drivers often plow right through intersections without slowing down, causing them to hit people who are crossing roads or walking on shoulders. A recent pedestrian accident in New Jersey left a man dead. The fatal crash occurred on the… Read More »

Man Hit by Train in Fatal Pedestrian Accident
Trains are not something to mess with. These vehicles can sometimes go as fast at 100 miles per hour. Whether you are a pedestrian or a motorist, you want to steer clear of railroad tracks at all times. Still, many people end up on train tracks, whether accidental or on purpose. Unfortunately, this recently… Read More »

Teen Girl Killed While Jogging
New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the United States. This means there is a lot of vehicle and foot traffic. When people and vehicles mix, it can lead to deadly accidents. Sadly, this was recently the case in New Jersey. A teen girl was recently killed while jogging in Upper Freehold…. Read More »

Erratic Driver Hits 2 Vehicles, Kills Pedestrian
Motorists on New Jersey roadways have a duty to look out for the safety of others. This means they should not engage in reckless behavior such as speeding, running stop signs and stop lights, and hitting other vehicles or pedestrians. A pedestrian was killed when a reckless driver went out of control in Cape… Read More »

Pedestrian Deaths On The Rise
With so many cities focusing on becoming friendlier for pedestrians and bicyclists, you would assume that these accidents and fatalities would decrease. But the truth is that the opposite has occurred. In 2020, shortly after COVID started ravaging the world, fatal pedestrian accidents started to spike. Pedestrian deaths were up by 21%. Two years… Read More »

New Jersey’s New Safe Passing Law
It seemed as though people didn’t travel as much in 2020 due to COVID restrictions. People were quarantined and many were laid off or forced to work remotely, so they spent a lot of time at home. If people weren’t driving as much in New Jersey, the statistics sure didn’t reflect that. Fatal car… Read More »

How is Liability Determined in Morristown Pedestrian Accidents in New Jersey?
New Jersey is officially the most densely populated state in the nation. Unsurprisingly, this fact alone contributes to the high number of pedestrian accidents and fatalities in New Jersey. Each year, more than 160 pedestrians die in vehicle crashes across the state, accounting for nearly 30% of all traffic deaths in New Jersey. Accidents… Read More »