Pharmaceutical drug claims litigation

Pharmaceutical drugs allow millions of Americans to lead healthier and happier lives. However, they are not always the health benefit they are intended to be. In fact, it is not uncommon for a dangerous or defective pharmaceutical to make their way onto the market. These dangerous drugs can cause consumers to suffer serious injuries and even death.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has special testing criteria to which it subjects all new drugs. Manufacturers must adhere to these standards before releasing drugs for consumption. However, just because the FDA approved and licensed a drug does not mean that it is safe. It may take years of being on the market before the true dangers of a drug will be revealed.
In addition, there is the fact that certain drugs can safely be taken by certain individuals, whereas other drugs can cause serious health complications in specific patients. Physicians are tasked with the important responsibility of deciding which drugs should be taken by whom, but they can make a lot of mistakes in prescribing medications. Also, they may be influenced by inaccurate pharmaceutical company research to wrongly prescribe certain drugs.
Giant drug companies are profit-driven. As such, they might cut safety corners or manipulate test results just to get FDA approval, or to get doctors to prescribe their products for certain types of conditions. This wonton disregard of consumer safety is immoral, wrong and pharmaceutical companies can be held financially liable if their negligence and/or disregard for safety results in serious consumer injuries or death. New Jersey residents who believe they or their loved ones were harmed by a negligent pharmaceutical company may be able to seek financial restitution in court.
Source: FindLaw, “Pharmaceutical Drug Liability,” accessed Dec. 23, 2015