Morris and Sussex County Car Accident Guide

Morris and Sussex County Car Accident Guide
The Critical Few Minutes After an Automobile Accident
Many who have been involved in even a minor motor vehicle accident can attest that it is a very traumatic experience. Accidents can be caused by or as a result of many things; such as drunk drivers or distracted drivers or dangerous road conditions. However, no matter the cause of the accident it is important to keep your wits about you as much as possible and begin the process of recovery; be it physical, emotional or financial. An experienced attorney will help you navigate the intricacies of an auto accident claim, and help you make the critical decisions that can and will impact your future. In many cases motor vehicle accidents can result in personal injury, substantial damage to property and even, in many tragic cases, wrongful death. It is advisable to have an advocate in your corner immediately, someone who can help you establish or mitigate liability and be your representative to insurance companies or other lawyers.
Attorney Michael P. Burakoff, utilizes a family-focused approach that has earned us the respect and gratitude of our clients and their families facing difficult and traumatic situations in towns across Morris County and Sussex County, including Newton, Dover, Denville, Netcong, Hopatcong, Rockaway, Parsippany, and Morristown.
Contact us to discuss your family’s unique needs, concerns, and situation when it comes to any type of motor vehicle accident in a free and confidential consultation with our legal team today. Please call our Morristown office or our Newton office.
What to do after a Morristown Car Accident?
Immediately after an accident it is important to remain calm. First, you should ascertain if you yourself have been injured. Next you should check on the well being of any passengers who may have been traveling with you. After that you should, to the best of your ability, see if anyone else has sustained injuries, both the vehicle occupants or if someone has been injured as a result of a pedestrian accident. If there are any injuries, anyone is in need of medical attention, and/or public or private property has been damaged as a result of the crash, law enforcement should be contacted immediately.
Studies have shown, including those done by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), that it is safest to remain inside your vehicle after a motor vehicle accident as long as there is not clear and present danger. Secondary events, accidents and fatalities can be caused by disoriented and confused accident victims when they enter a dangerous roadway after a crash.
If your vehicle is blocking the roadway, it may be best to turn on your hazard lights in order to alert other motorist of your presence. Upon arrival of authorities the vehicles can be moved, and information should be exchanged with all parties involved such as names, addresses, phone numbers and driver’s licence numbers.
Contact a Newton NJ Car Accident Lawyer Right After the Crash
After completing all of the steps reviewed in the above sections, there is a very common course of action that many people follow and that begins with a call to their insurance company. However, it is important to remained focused on protecting the rights of you and your loved ones, especially if serious injuries have occurred. A claim represents a cost to Insurers. That is not to say that all insurance companies are ill willed or out to get you. However, the higher the payments made to individuals submitting claims, the lower the profits are for the insurance company.
You should avoid signing any settlement agreements, do not accept any offers, be sure to document injuries, seek treatment, and document property damage. We all have heard at least one of the countless stories of people who have faithfully made payments for years without a claim only to have to fight with insurers for fair and just compensation when that insurance is needed.
For this reason an experienced Morris County or Sussex County attorney can make the difference to put you and your family in a position to help expedite and improve your physical, emotional, and financial recovery. Because most people are not students of the law, they may not understand the legal process and know exactly what the law may say they are entitled to as defined by fair compensation and what Insurers are required to cover. The insurance company will definitively have access to counsel on their side of the claim, and it important that you represent a position of strength as well through retaining an experienced Injury Litigator.
Contact A Morris and Sussex Motor Vehicle Injury Lawyer
The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff, are conveniently located in both Sussex and Morris County, and have recovered full and fair compensation for motor vehicle accident victims in towns including Parsippany, Mt. Olive, Hopatcong, Roxbury, Andover, Newton, Morristown, and most neighboring communities. Arm yourself with the resources and experience you need to handle insurance claims and lawsuits following any kind of motor vehicle accident.
Speak with Michael Burakoff and our legal team in a free and confidential consultation regarding you or a family member’s motor vehicle accident injuries and damages. Contact us online, or through either our Morristown office or our Newton office at 973-455-1567.