Can I Receive Workers’ Compensation For Tennis Elbow?

Working a 40-hour week can not only be stressful and tiring but also harmful to your health. The workplace is full of dangers, causing many injuries and medical conditions. Some of them develop over time, such as carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow.
You may not be as familiar with tennis elbow, but it’s a painful condition caused by overloaded tendons in your elbow. It is caused by repetitive motions in your arm and wrist. It’s a wear and tear injury that slowly develops over time.
What Causes Tennis Elbow?
You do not have to be an athlete to develop tennis elbow. This condition can be caused by the following actions:
- Cutting food in the kitchen
- Using a screwdriver to drive screws
- Using gardening shears
- Using plumbing tools
- Playing musical instruments
- Sewing
- Painting
- Computer work with a mouse
Symptoms and Treatment for Tennis Elbow
The most common symptom of tennis elbow is pain radiating from the elbow to the forearm or wrist. You may also feel weakness, making it difficult to hold a coffee cup, grip an object, turn a doorknob, or shake hands.
Because tennis elbow affects muscles and tendons, there is no easy cure. Rest and painkillers are typically used to alleviate the pain. It’s a good idea to take time off to rest, although this is not always possible based on your job and employer. Ice can also be used for inflammation.
During the healing process, you should avoid doing certain actions, such as:
- Fully extending your arm.
- Lifting heavy objects with one hand.
- Grasping small objects.
Deep tissue massage may also be a good idea. Massage enhances circulation, which promotes healing. In severe cases, surgery may be recommended.
Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim
Tennis elbow caused by your job may be covered under New Jersey state workers’ compensation laws. See a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and obtain documentation for the claims process. Diagnosis is typically done by X-ray or MRI. Sometimes tennis elbow leads to arthritis, which may show up in imaging. In some cases, doctors can diagnose tennis elbow solely based on occupational risk factors. A worker may be asked to straighten his elbow and fingers against resistance and tell the doctor how much pain they are experiencing.
Once you have documentation from your doctor, contact your employer to file a workers’ compensation claim. If approved, you will be able to obtain compensation for treatment and time away from work. This will allow you to get adequate rest to avoid injuring your elbow further.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Tennis elbow is not an injury limited to athletes. Workers in the construction, gardening, and food service industries can be affected by this painful condition.
If you are suffering from tennis elbow or some other injury caused by workplace duties, seek legal help from the Morristown work-related accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff. We can help you file a workers’ compensation claim so you can receive proper treatment. Call (973) 455-1567 or fill out the online form for a free consultation.