7 Injured In Dog Attack In Atlantic City

Dogs can be man’s best friend or they can be a nuisance to society, injuring not one, but multiple people. Such was the case in New Jersey, when two dogs attacked seven people.
The incident happened in Atlantic City on the afternoon of November 15. Two children were walking their dogs in the 1300 block of Baltic Avenue. They were in a fenced-in area when a stray dog came upon them and caused the other two dogs to become aggressive. The dogs broke free from their walkers and then turned on them.
Bystanders tried to get the dogs off the children, but the dogs attacked them as well. Finally, an engineer’s office employee was able to hold down the dogs until animal control could arrive. In total, seven people were injured. There were five juveniles and two adults injured, ages 10, 13, 13, 15 and 17, 37, and 62.
All seven victims suffered serious injuries but they are all expected to survive. They were taken to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center for medical treatment. Both dogs were eventually contained by animal control. They are in their custody pending the outcome of the investigation.
Advice for Dog Owners
While some people are bitten by stray dogs that they don’t know, many are attacked by dogs familiar to them — even their own dogs. If your own dog bit you, you should immediately confine it and call your veterinarian. They can check your dog’s vaccination records and advise you about your dog’s aggressive reaction. They can also examine your dog to check for any health issues and offer advice on training your dog to prevent future attacks.
Parents need to be especially cautious about supervising their dogs around children. Children are much more likely to be bitten than adults. A child should never be left alone with a dog, no matter how friendly you think it may be.
Children should be taught to respect dogs. Parents should teach children to be careful around all pets. Even toddlers can be taught to not approach strange dogs or to attempt to pet dogs by reaching through fences. Children should be taught to ask for permission before petting dogs.
Dogs should be socialized at a young age. Puppies should be exposed to various conditions, while under supervision.
It is even suggested that parents wait to get a dog until their children are older. With dog bite injuries so common among children, it’s better to wait until children are older and can appreciate the risks involved in owning a dog.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Many people underestimate the effects of dog bites, but an attack can leave a person with life-threatening injuries. Fortunately, that did not happen in this case.
Seek legal help from a Morristown dog bite injury attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff. We understand the law and will work hard to get you the compensation you need and deserve. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (973) 455-1567 or filling out the online form.