What Is Road Rage?

New Jersey’s roadways are very busy. Drivers are always trying to get from one place to another as quickly as possible. To accomplish this goal, many motorists engage in road rage.
Road rage refers to angry and aggressive driving by motorists. It can take on many forms and include speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and tailgating. Road rage may not seem like a serious issue, but it can lead to car accidents and violence.
Forms of Road Rage
Besides speeding and tailgating, road rage may be exhibited in the following forms:
- Honking
- Yelling
- Making angry gestures
- Preventing another vehicle from changing lanes
- Intentionally cutting off another vehicle
- Confronting another driver
- Hitting a vehicle on purpose
What Causes Road Rage?
While road rage is often associated with running late, there are sometimes other factors involved, such as the following:
- Traffic delays. Hitting heavy traffic, waiting at stop lights, and looking for a parking spot can cause a driver to become angry.
- Drivers may be more likely to drive aggressively if they know they will never see the drivers again.
- Disregard for others. Some drivers just don’t care about other drivers on the road and will act aggressively.
How to Avoid Road Rage
Road rage often happens when we’re late or delayed, so here are some ways to avoid it:
- Don’t be in a hurry. If you need to get somewhere at a certain time, make sure to leave early. When you’re running late, you’re more likely to drive aggressively.
- Be patient. A person may be driving slowly because they’re lost. Give them the benefit of the doubt.
- Avoid honking. Refrain from honking unless someone is driving recklessly and about to hit you. Otherwise, all honking will do is make everyone else angry.
- Avoid hand gestures. Hand gestures are often seen as aggressive as offensive. If you do opt to use them, use a waving hand to show that you’re being friendly.
- Stay back. Don’t drive too closely to other vehicles. Stay several car lengths away from other drivers and avoid tailgating, even if the vehicle is going slowly.
- Stay away from aggressive drivers. If you come across a driver exhibiting road rage, try to stay as far away from them as possible. Change lanes or even get off the freeway if possible. Never try to confront them, as it could lead to a dangerous situation.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Aggressive driving can lead to accidents as well as disgruntled drivers. Be patient and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.
Have you been a victim of road rage? If you suffered injuries due to someone else’s reckless or negligent behavior, seek legal help right away. Count on the Morristown car accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff to see how we can help you receive compensation for your injuries. Call (973) 455-1567 or fill out the online form to schedule a free consultation.