Teen injured in Bicycle Crash Involving Deer

When a teen is out bicycling at night, they need to be looking for vehicles and other hazards. They are likely not looking for deer, but they should be.
A recent crash in Hackettstown led to a subsequent accident due to the hazard in question: a deer. A teen was injured after a motorcyclist hit a deer, which then crashed into a bicycle.
A 13-year-old was riding a bicycle when a deer bolted into the road. A motorcycle hit the deer. The deer then ran into the path of the bicycle, causing the two to collide. The teen suffered minor injuries in the crash. The bicycle was also damaged. The motorcycle rider kept driving and did not stop.
Hackettstown police are asking motorists to be extra careful. Authorities released various safety tips for drivers to avoid encounters with deer. They should do the following:
- Slow down if you see a deer.
- Watch for “Deer Crossing” signs.
- Slow down when traveling through areas with high amounts of deer
- Use high beams after dark if there is no oncoming traffic
- Never tailgate another vehicle.
What to Do if You See Deer
When you are driving down the road and encounter a deer, what should you do? Can you react quickly enough? Here are some steps to take:
- Don’t swerve. If you see a deer, you should stay in your lane. Do not try to swerve, as you could hit another vehicle or possibly a tree or pole. You could even go off the road, which would be even worse.
- Put on the brakes. If you are about to hit a deer, at least stay in your lane and put on the brakes as firmly as possible. But before you hit the deer, let off on the brake. This will bring up the nose of your vehicle and avoid having a deer smash your windshield.
- Pull over. A deer can cause a lot of damage. You should pull over in a safe place to assess the damage. Look for a driveway or parking lot.
- Call for help. If your vehicle is disabled, try to get it off the road as much as possible. You should also report the accident to the police. Put on your hazard lights and your seatbelt.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Bicycle accidents are serious enough. Add deer and other large animals to the mix and a crash can become even more dangerous.
Bike riders are often put in dangerous conditions. If you have been injured in a crash, seek legal help from a Morristown bicycle accident attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff. We’ll help you recover full and fair compensation for your injuries and other damages. Fill out the online form or call (973) 455-1567 to schedule a free consultation.