3 Men Pull Dog Off Group in NJ Attack

When people think of dog attacks, they may think that a person provoked the dog in some way. Would a dog just come up to someone and bite them? It’s not only possible, but it happens a lot more than you might expect.
A group of people were recently attacked by a dog in New Jersey. Fortunately, three men arrived and were able to get the dog off the child and two adults.
The incident happened on the afternoon of May 14 in Seaside Heights. The dog, a Cane Corso, attacked a group of two adults and a 7-year-old child, on the stairs of the Hotel Charlee Villas, located at 1211 Boulevard. That was when three men helped get the dog off the victims. The Good Samaritans also held down the dog until help could arrive.
The victims included a 35-year-old man from Williamstown, as well as a 35-year-old woman and 7-year-old boy, both from South Toms River. They all received medical treatment at the scene and were then taken to Community Medical Center in Toms River.
The victims suffered various injuries. The man was bitten on his right arm, while the woman suffered a severe laceration on her right hand and left forearm. The boy also had a bite on his left forearm. All three victims were treated and released from the hospital.
The victims told police that the dog attacked them as they were walking. It was determined that the dog had gotten away from its owner.
Animal control officials from Seaside Heights arrived and took control of the dog. The owner, a woman from Beachwood, was cited for uncontrolled dog, unlicensed dog, and dog at large.
What Does Dog at Large Mean?
When a dog is at large, it means a dog that is off its owner’s premises. The owner does not have the dog under control and the owner does not have the dog in sight. The owner can face a citation for dog at large if their dog commits any act defined as a public nuisance while not on their property, which was the situation in this case. The dog was not under the owner’s control and was off its premises when it attacked the three people and caused them to suffer injuries. Dog at large is typically a misdemeanor charge that may be punished by a small fine.
Contact a New Jersey Personal Injury Lawyer Today
Dog attacks can happen at any time and affect children and adults alike. Unfortunately, it’s something that people need to be aware of at all times, even when walking down the road.
If you have been injured by a dog, whether it’s a stray or one that you know, contact a Morristown dog bite injury attorney from The Law Offices of Michael P. Burakoff for legal assistance. We’ll help you obtain compensation for all your damages. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call (973) 455-1567.